TED Talks to Make You Think
Hopefully you’ve been enjoying your summer. Perhaps even taking some much-needed vacation! When you have some downtime, consider checking out a TED talk. With the rigor of a CPA’s regular schedule, it’s easy to get stuck in a rut or not take the time to get fresh perspectives. The slower pace of summer time might give you an opportunity to unwind for a few minutes and check one out.
The Journal of Accountancy has some favorites that they recommend for CPAs needing a little boost or a different perspective. Here are their top picks:
Simon Sinek: How Great Leaders Inspire Action. This one has gained a lot of traction. It focuses on the “why,” and how you must give your workers purpose. To date, it’s been viewed over 27 million times.
Dan Pink: The Puzzle of Motivation. Al Gore’s former speechwriter examines motivation tactics and why they can fail. He encourages leaders to consider different rewards systems.
Susan Cain: The Power of Introverts. Cain explores the value of having introverts on your team and how to maximize their talents. She explains how different people respond to stimulation in a work environment.
Shawn Achor: The Happy Secret to Better Work. Self-proclaimed “happiness researcher and speaker” Shawn Achor argues that working harder leads to less success. He has a different approach to work that inspires optimism.
What do you think of these? Do you have any favorites? Share this post with a fellow CPA who could use some motivation!
See more in the full article from the Journal of Accountancy.