Are Remote Workers Better?

This article discusses how in 2021 there are more people working from home and how people are benefitting from it. The number of people who have worked at least one day out of a month from home has risen by 300% in the last 20 years. A Gallup study revealed that “58 percent of Americans — including both employed and unemployed people — believe those who work remotely are just as productive as those who work in an office, up from 47 percent who said the same in 1995.” The vast majority of telecommuters work from home on a limited basis, and “45 percent work from home less than five days a month.” The study was based on surveys of 1,011 adults age 18 and older in all 50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia. To learn more about the future of working from home, click the link above!

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