The accounting landscape is quickly changing! Firms need to deal with a host of challenges like staff shortages, partner retirement, technology, growth, fee pressures and regulatory changes just to name some. A solid strategic planning process will help firms deal with all of these issues and more. We believe in a three-stage approach:
STAGE 1 – Pre-Retreat Activities: Conducting a retreat does not “happen in a vacuum” and, accordingly, we believe it is crucial to conduct due diligence in advance of the retreat. Stage 1 allows us to gather information about your firm so we may begin developing an understanding of your financial situation, compensation plans, HR environment and other matters that can directly and indirectly affect your retreat.
STAGE 2 – Retreat Facilitation: We will actively facilitate your retreat. We use the word active because we don’t simply try to draw the solutions out of your group, we will tap into our decades of experience in the accounting profession and suggest best practices and proven ideas and activities. The retreat is typically a 1 – 1.5-day process that should take place off-site.
STAGE 3 – Post-Retreat Activities: During Stage 3, we will finalize and document the retreat discussions. If necessary, we will work with members of your team via email and telephone to put the finishing touches on an action plan. Stage 1, 2 and 3 all work together to develop a plan that maximizes the firm’s chances of IMPLEMENTING the agreed upon strategic goals.
Depending upon the special situation of each firm, deliverables may include:
- Mission statement
- Value statements
- One-year action plan
- Five-year vision
- Overall documentation of retreat discussions
- One-page strategic plan overview which can be shared with the entire firm
Don’t wait, contact us now to schedule a discussion about your strategic planning needs!