Are You Focusing on Referrals?

Most CPA firms see referrals as the primary source of new clientele and dedicate a large part of their marketing budgets to bringing in more referrals. All consumers want to use a trusted service provider and a satisfied customer will be your biggest fan. Referrals are most successful when clients voluntarily recommend your services to their friends and colleagues.

Although it might be tempting to tap your current clients for referrals, proceed with extreme caution: research suggests that asking clients for referrals can actually be counterproductive. It can put the client in an awkward position and damage your relationship, which you’ve spent possibly years cultivating. Relationships are your most valued resource, and jeopardizing them may not be worth the risk.

There are other ways of reaching out to potential clients. Speaking engagements are a great way to reach a broader audience. Trade shows are the perfect opportunity to target the specific clientele your firm serves.
Make sure your marketing plan includes web presence and social media that convey who you are and the services you provide. Is your content fresh? Does it cover a wide range of interests that represents the industries you serve?
Your website could be a make-or-break interaction for prospective clients. If visitors to your site don’t have a positive experience, they may move on. Over 80% of prospects will look at your website before they decide if you’re the right fit for their needs. They must to be able to use it with ease – and don’t forget about your mobile traffic. More people will be viewing your site on a mobile device than on a desktop computer.

The purpose of your website should be to show new prospects what you can do for them. They need to know your services are of value to them, and also how to access those services as painlessly as possible. Your website can showcase your successes with testimonials, photos, and other examples of the services you have provided to clients just like your visiting prospect. Building relationships starts sooner than you think, so make sure your marketing materials – including your website – show your new referral why your firm is the right choice.

For more information, read the full article here.