How Social Media Can Help Accounting Firms With Recruiting
Marketing is often used to sell a product or service, but for the talent-plagued accounting industry, marketing should also be used as a tool to reach talent.
Social media is a core aspect of marketing that can play a huge role in retention and recruiting efforts. Accounting firms should look at social media as not only an outlet to sell but also to attract the shrinking talent pool.
With 308 + million social media users in the U.S. alone1, your firm’s social media page(s) are an ideal place to attract talent. Here’s how…
How to Use Social Media to Attract Talent
The talent your firm is searching for probably scrolls social media nearly every day, so meet them where they are. Social media is a key channel to help differentiate your firm from other firms that are after the same talent.
It’s no surprise that accounting firms typically don’t have the most engaging social media pages, which can make it easier for the firms that make an effort on social media to stand out and attract talent.
Think of social media as a first impression. When someone visits your firm’s social media page, they immediately form an opinion. Because of this, you need to keep in mind motivators for the talent you want to attract. Most accountants want increased pay, better work-life balance, great leadership and flexible work arrangements, among other things.
Once you know what’s important to the talent you’re after, ask yourself: what can your firm offer them that their current firm and other firms seeking them out can’t? Knowing what your firm can offer them that others can’t is key. Once you know that, market it in as many ways as possible. Your firm’s differentiating factor(s) should be everywhere on your firm’s social media pages, including the about section, job postings, content posted, etc.
Content Ideas to Attract Talent:
To attract talent on social media, your firm’s page needs to consistently post content that hits their motivators. Here are some low-production ideas you can implement:
- Share images from events such as company-wide community service, happy hours, employee outings, conferences, etc.
- Post promotions and other milestones employees earn or hit
- Post articles, blogs or other content that shows your firm’s stance on accounting industry issues and how your firm is handling them
- Create employee spotlights to show off the more personal side of current employees (with whom talent may get to work!)
- Share about your firm’s community involvement such as days of service or if you donate to charity or fundraise
- Post about what your firm does to make busy season a little bit better (but not the monthly pizza party please)
Some of this can be spur-of-the-moment content. If a team goes out for lunch and takes a picture, post it to social! Any content that shows a personal side of your firm is more likely to resonate with talent and can help them imagine themselves working at your firm. Content about your employees also shows that you value your employees as humans, not just billable hour machines. Talent wants to join a firm where they’re valued as an individual, and showing off your current employees is a great way to display that.
Plus, the content mentioned above are things that your firm’s current employees should be proud of and are likely to share on their personal pages, which extends your firm’s social reach to more talent!
Too many accounting firms don’t see the value social media brings in terms of recruiting talent. Firms that are proactive in their recruiting strategy and utilize social media will have greater success than those that don’t. Think about it, wouldn’t you rather work for a firm that hits your motivators and has a great social media page than for a firm whose marketing is stuck in the 20th century?